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Your fear is real, use it

Alchemy of Creation

When fear arises, we tend to grab everything possible.


It is fear that forces us to accumulate on the verge of insecurity.

We cling to never letting go of things or a person.

Fear makes us defensive. It seems like the world is made out of fear.

Fear of wilderness made the houses and fear of money wake us every day and go to work.

Much of the fear we experience is misunderstood emotion.

The misunderstanding comes from the conditioning.

We are thought to be fearful about so many things.

Money, Strangers, Men and the list goes on.

Collectively, individually and as part of a family, we are always warned and prepared to defend.

The house of cards is created by our thoughts. Things we believe will last lifelong.

Love, Family and Friends.

But in reality, nothing is permanent.

It is change that allows us to change the things in our lives for the better.

It is change that allows us to discard the old frames that we no longer fit in.

Battle in life and the war countries fight are not a sign of courage, but fear.

Courage is the decision to face fear. Look in its eyes and not waiver.

If fear creates so many things that have negative annotations. Can it be used positively for creativity and productivity?

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Fear is a misunderstood emotion.

Not because we don’t understand it at all, but because we partially understand it.

Our first instinct faced with fear is freight. Go away from it.

But like many other emotions which arise a discomfort in your being is to be faced.

How long will you run away from them? Has running away done any good so far?

Your reaction to fear causes more fear and the more you deprive yourself of making the best out of the opportunity to do something about it.

It grows when it is neglected, it is released when watched in awareness.

When faced with an undesired situation, pause for a while.

Hold the thought for a while and let it go.

An open wound will decay if not looked after. And it will worsen if you keep scratching it.

Just hold and let it go. Like you dress a wound.

Moreover, once you allow yourself to face the fear with courage; there is more fear can do for you.

It can build rather than destroy.


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Butterflies in the belly.

The excitement, the pinch of fear of the unknown right before the moment of reveal.

This emotion is unfamiliar, and so it is called by many names.

It is a mix of joy and fear and so its polarity is undecided.

But we feel it and it is real.

It arises from the centre of our being.

It arises from the place that creates life in the woman’s body.

Men sense it too, but they are more confused about this feeling because they are physically incapable of bearing a child.

Hence women are more invested in creating life, very men are inclined to build one.

There is a difference between creating and building.

Building is a mechanical work, and creating is artistic.

Building used force, creating uses flow of energy.

But both men and women have this urge to create, and it comes from the same centre of being.

Once recognised and acknowledged; the seeker becomes aware of this energy.

Something beautiful happens.

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We need to go towards the fear.

Not run away from it, but embrace it.

Do what challenges you, do things that you were always fearful about.

In this way you not only increase the possibility of growth, but also the possibility to stumble upon something profound.

While you work, while you walk, while you are sitting in the garden or while having sex – be aware of this energy.

Act like you are not thinking with your brain, but with the core of your abdomen.

Be one with the nature of this energy. As more and more you give it time, you get immersed in this energy.

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It is the pinnacle of human experience. You become the creative energy.


Your consciousness is no longer confined to your body. You become a dance of energy.

Powerful and Fragile.

You no longer create from the knowledge you have gathered, you create with the benevolent force of good.

Something unique that is possible only through your hands.

Something the world has never seen before, because no one else can create it the way you have.

You find your place in the world, you become your world.

Your senses will become what you sense with the five senses.

It feels right no matter where you go because the fear of fear is nowhere to be found.

The energy you were unaware of used to transform into fear; now it transcends into creativity.

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Your old beliefs will drain away. You will become empty.

The emptiness will be filled with divine energies, only to be shared not stored.

You will no longer drink from the stagnancy of the mind.

Your stream of consciousness will now be connected to the ocean of superconsciousness.

Like a child is created and connected to the mother’s womb.

You will no longer be yourself. You will be part of something greater than you.

Unfathomable. Divine. Beautiful.

Submit yourself to the fear, let it devour the access. Lose yourself to find everything.

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Now when the fear arises, it is no longer a moment of panic. It is an occasion of serenity.

There is no more running away from the challenges and danger in life, but being still and remaining grounded in your consciousness.

Everything else will fall into place.

Life will be as it should be, not what you want it to be.

Because there is no one left to want and need.

Only desire to create.

You are the desire that the divine desired to create.

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Gaze at the world within, and you will find the universe.

What house will you cling to, if where you stand is your home?

Be the medium of change in the world, as everything you touch will change.

Share your flame with others, as there is no greater service than that.

Life is a turmoil. An influx of involuntary change.

But nothing of it will touch you, as you have now slipped toward the unmoving centre of your being.

Nothingness, from which everything is born.

You and the things you create.

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