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What is spirituality? – Was the last thing he searched on his phone

Your place in the complexities of life

The world has found comfort in complexity.

We do not question the complexities because we don’t understand them.

It sounds intellectual to present a complex thought, but it slows down the progress of life.

It creates turmoil.

We get lost in it, busy figuring out what it means to be in the middle of complexities.

We are lost in our world.

Distracted from the realities of life. Wandering away from ourselves.

Man has always been searching for his place in the world.

Where does he stand in society, and what is the meaning of life?

No matter how smart or so-called dumb a person is, he is searching for his place in the world.

He is on a quest to find the purpose of life.

Knowingly and unknowingly.

Paralysed by the overwhelming dimension and dynamics of the personality.

The interplay and the conversation with the world in day-to-day life is daunting.

He has to play many roles throughout the day, but his role in the world is yet a question.

This is the grim reality of human life.

The question of human existence is greater than the question of the survival of this planet.

Because there is no experience without the experiencer.

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I have seen people escaping the attempt to understand the fabric of life.

Eventually, this excuse leads to the same quest of finding the place, meaning and purpose.

I have seen people resorting to extreme violence to break the pattern of this questioning.

Regardless of class and creed.

I have seen young adults seeking refuge in insobriety.

Regardless of the nature of the intoxication.

From social media to alcohol to drugs.

I had an alcoholic father. He was a good writer, but he never found the right subject to write about.

He died as a famous estate developer, but no one knew that he had written a book.

He was extremely disappointed in religion, and his last search on Google was “What is spirituality?”

I went through his phone while informing his friends about his demise.

He lived searching and died searching for a greater purpose.

Even from the refuge he found in alcoholism.

He was confused and rejected everything. Even life.

This is not a unique case, humanity is confused about spirituality and religion.

So what is spirituality, and how does it fit into the frame of religiousness?

And does it even help us to find the larger meaning to this life?

Does this life have a meaning at all?

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The priests are chanting prayers, and the fundamentalists are chanting slogans.

Which of the voices is true?

The saints praised God, and mystics were fond of nothingness.

Which side of the coin is real?

Crippled by the voices in the head, seekers are seating on the wheelchair of chaos.

Going directionless. Kicked to multiple dimensions. Tangled in the multiple aspects of life.

Looking toward every light that lites and listening to every cry for the Lord.

Clinging to the instrument that makes you volatile.

Seeking clarity in the scripture that are confusing.


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It takes an act of great courage to get off the bandwagon of conventionality.

To gaze where no one dares to look.

Look nowhere. But within.

Spirituality is called “Adhyaatma” in my mother tongue.

Adhya (First) + Atma (Self)

To be born as a spiritual man is to be born from introspection.

To seek for the self is to drop the shell of conditioning.

The shell seems very familiar, protective.

But if a life is conceived in a womb, in an egg, it has to leave the safety to be really born.

Conception is merely coming into existence and living with the concepts.

Life begins with unvieling the conditioning. Birth.

∗ ∗ ∗

My father ran away from himself. And my mother was always running behind him.

My sister and I were always waiting for them to come back.

This is not my story. This is the story of the society we have built.

Society that started in the caves and ended up in the walls.

But this was an opportunity for me to reflect on the nature of my being.

I was presented with difficult questions which answered the complexities of life.

With simplicity.

If there is any purpose to this life, it is to find the nature of our being.

Being is valuable. It is the reason you experience the world.

By being with yourself, you become yourself.

When you become yourself, you become the world.

You are the prayers, you are the temple bell.

You are praised when God is appraised.

Compliment yourself, and the world is a compliment.

My father will come to this in his next life. But his absence gave me a gift to be with myself.

When he was alive, now that he is gone.

A curse that turned out to be a boon for me.

Because I dared not to look the other way, but within and face the life.

∗ ∗ ∗

We often look at life as a suffering.

Many scriptures emphasise life as a penance.

And there is an idea of heaven, too.

I strongly believe that heaven is found right here, right now.

In this very moment.

Die to the moment that just passed and live for the moment that is right now.

Go to heaven.

Heaven is found when a new man is born.

A new man is born when he dies to his concepts of life and lives it.

There is no more idea of living. Only living remains.


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The story does not end here.

There is no such thing called – “Ah ha! I have arrived.”

There is always a new horizon to be found.

In the new avenue and perspective towards life.

A life of participation. A life of partaking.

A life of believing in the lies to be a lie and a life in believing anything true to be a lie.

Changing. Nothing absolute.

Vowing the widered pearls of complexities into simplicity is not the solution.

Getting rid of the pearls of knowledge and assumptions of understanding is.

Let the storm pass.

Fighting is not a solution. Escape into the centre of life is wisdom.

Be centered and look at this world with Love.

Every person drowning can be saved. If you learn to swim.

∗ ∗ ∗

When you change your perspective towards life, you change.

When you change from moment to moment, you find innocence trapped in the eyes of people.

Eyes that are screaming for help. Hopeful eyes, eyes that are seeking for themselves. Innocently.

Be the joy for someone, and that is the greatest service to humanity.

We don’t know if we are going to Mars yet, but we are here for sure.

Enjoy your stay.

Let your happiness be a reminder for someone of his or her happiness.

Celebrate this life.

Celebrate your being.

Celebrate your spirituality.

You come first, and the world will become a happy place.

The question about religion is at the end.

It can be changed, or it can be left altogether.

There is nothing absolute. Find that which is constant in you.

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