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We are not equal, and it is beautiful

Find equilibrium within

The uniqueness and individuality of people make this world a colourful place.

Life is entertaining because of the diversity and its interplay.

Look at every corner of the world and it is different, it is beautiful.

See within every corner of your being, it is spontaneous.

Only a ruler will tell you that you all need to be equal.

Only tyrants will highlight our differences to make you feel superior or inferior.

They advocate equality not in a sense of fairness, but to gather the herds and put you in fences.

They make you fight for equality which is an idea and nothing else.

Separating on the name of inequality is easy to rule, while you are busy fighting for equality.

Equality is the ugliest thing that can happen to mankind.

It throws away the chance to appreciate something different.

It challenges the idea that there is beauty in being unique.

No flower is the same, none of its petals are the same.

The experience of living life would become utterly boring if everything were equal.

Plastic. Dead.

There is no one fit for everyone. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

This can be controversial, but would completely make sense if you contemplate the nature of our being.

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All we want is the world to be fair. In its judgement about others and appreciation of the different world views.

How the hell would you solve a puzzle, if all the bits and pieces would come in the same size?

Nothing will be left to fit in each other.

The gap is where the potential is, it is between the words that meaning is read.

Lovers would disconnect and friends would lose interest in each other.

Our differences are an opportunity to connect.

Equality is an unreasonable expectation.

And the real problem is not the inequality, but the expectation to be equal.

You have what the world wants, the world has what you want.

You are required, as you are.

We have to be fair enough to acknowledge that every person has gone through life in a way that is not similar to yours.

Another person’s experience is different from yours. And so is the worldview.

We can only exist healthily if we learn to coexist and keep our noses to ourselves.

By accepting the world as it is and by accepting yourself as you are.

This acceptance is needed to take away burden off your shoulders to be someone else.

And the bigotry, that the world should come to your terms.

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This is new.

Unacceptable to a person who was thought to live another person’s life.

Through biographies his mind fed on, the school that looks like a factory assembly line to prepare the children to do monotonous work in Industry.

It would feel like swimming against the current, while we are constantly bombarded with information about how the world needs equality.

It is not easy to digest the fact that you were not born to take a path but pave one.

We are not meant to live in borrowed aspirations but to live the expression that arises from our core.

This existence is a formality of occurrence. Why would someone want to pretend otherwise?

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This self-inquiry opens many wounds.

As it diverts the trajectory of search from outwards to inwards.

It opens you to yourself.

To be like yourself can be a tricky undertaking. As you are not required to be “like yourself” but “be yourself”.

As a child, we wanted to grow up someday to be someone. But no one ever thought us to be ourselves.

It’s either Mother Terresa or Ossama bin Laden; but always someone else.

An introspection of your own nature of being, you find out that life is where you are.

Where do you stand, is your home.

Your life will no longer be an adaptation of someone else’s life, but an evolution of your own.

It will no longer be about cementing the beliefs, but blossoming them.

You will look at possibilities beyond the boundaries of what has been said and done before.

You will stumble upon something new, something the world has never seen before.

You will no longer feel the need to invent and reinvent yourself.

You will make the greatest discovery of all, you will discover yourself.

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The world will be a better place when people are busy with themselves rather than each other.

Partners will stop interfering with each other, neighbours will stop bothering neighbours, communities will let alone other communities and nations will stop fighting.

Stop begging and wanting and asking for the world to be better.

Your world is our own making. You have chosen your leaders.

As an individual, you make a change that ripples to create good with the benevolent force.

Find Equilibrium within, and you will find your balance in the world.

You are enough. Put your heart into it.

If everybody in the world finds it comfortable in their own skin, the will to walk in someone else’s shoes will be lost.

The need for conflict will disengage.

If everybody in the world accepts themselves, they will accept the world.

The conflict does not arise from the other person being different, it arises from people feeling indifferent to themselves.

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This is the riskiest endeavour we can collectively embark on.

And yet I dare to ink it because we are pron to dangers. It is rewarding.

It was a danger that fed our bellies and playing with the fire made us civilised.

Being yourself is perceived as a danger to society. Although it can be the greatest contribution you can make.

More than ever world needs to do right now is do nothing.

For a change do nothing. Do not object.

Accept your and other’s uniqueness.

Because, when you find your uniqueness you will stop complaining about being a misfit and start questioning it.

And these hundreds and thousands of people who we awaken to the truth will have millions of questions.

And the person answerable wants one answer for all of us.

It’s more convenient to herd a flock of sheep than to tame a tiger.

Tiger that roars the truth he has realised in all the ten directions.

The world has not been kind to people who spoke the truth, because it challenges the beliefs of the ego mind.

It challenges the lies we have invested all our lives in. It demands a change.

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Forget about everything.

This is your new step, into a new world. Your world.

You will no longer take yourself to work, you will be at work.

You will no longer ask for acceptance and deliverance, as you are self-sufficient to give it to yourself.

It relieves the burden of others from your shoulders and sets the world free from the bondage of approvals.

No more longing for belonging. As you belong to yourself.

This is the greatest service you can do. A service to yourself is a service to others.

Your lover will love you for what you are and not for what you want to be.

You will give people what they want, as you no longer want what they want.

All you have is yourself, all you are left with is the self.

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Nothing changes, only found.

The life you lived in darkness now is seen in the light of your own being.

You are no longer what you think you were, but what you really are.

Life is happening to you, you are not happening the life.

Systems are made for you you are not made for the systems.

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