Open up, Show up and Celebrate your Creativity

The moment you feel to recoil is when you hide your vulnerabilities from your loved one and the world.
As a writer, if you hesitate to put a pen down on paper, it is the moment you are afraid to share your innermost thoughts.
When a painter deepens his brush in the paint and lets it soak for hours, he judges himself.
The world doesn’t care. You do.
And when you stop thinking about, what the world will think, you start creating with utmost honesty.
It’s not the world that is judging you, it is you who is doing so.
The judgment that arises is a testament to how your image stands in front of the audience.
The imaginary image is the hindrance, restraining you from facing the audience.
You trap yourself in the trap of how many views you get on the internet, rather than staying true to your view.
Your worldview is what your audience is interested in.
They have their own and are looking for a different perspective.
Not to cement their beliefs about something, but to blossom them.
We want more people who are creative.
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This society needs artists to make it a beautiful place to live.
People who express the reflection of human conditions decorate the world.
Creative souls who manifest the dynamic expressions of the mind.
It is very easy to fall into the trap of how well your expression is received.
Especially in the era of the internet, where social proof is more weighted than real connections.
Looking at the views is a hindrance to the view you have towards your creation and its place in the world.
It is like deciding what the offspring will become, even before it is brought into the world.
If views are the only purpose of your writing, you are looking in the wrong direction.
I don’t write to fill in the blanks in the world. I write because I don’t have anything else to do when the inspiration hits.
It is not about deliberately fitting in somewhere.
But don’t let the world miss on the what you have to contribute.
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No one knows the fate of your creation. Nor you nor your audience.
Even Shaksphere wouldn’t have known what value his work might hold in the world of literature.
He didn’t work for that. He worked what worked for him.
You will never find out what works for your audience until and unless you express and ship your work – like Seth Godin Says.
It is uncharted territory without a map. But I don’t think before hitting the publish button.
This thing called the internet works mysteriously.
I post every day just to practice the function of what the internet allows us to do.
It gives us the freedom to press the publish button every day.
Our work will find an audience or it won’t, but it should not cloud the judgement whether you should create or not.
Create if you have an urge to create.
And present your work because it is your job to do so, as an artist and as a creative soul.
Is it scary? Damn, it should be.
Giving your life to something that doesn’t ensure success is courageous.
But history has been kind to the courageous.
If you mention someone in your conversation to support your argument, that person has risked whatever he had to withstand the point.
And that is the point.
Who will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself?
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It works like no one is watching.
Work in only hope to express. Become the expression.
What you have to offer to this world no one else has.
You are unique and so is your expression.
You understand the world in your own unique way.
You can speak about the things in the world, in a way only possible to you.
One has to understand the importance of this.
Once has to perceive one own way of expression.
One has to go deep to know himself and find uniqueness and originality.
This is the very reason it is called original.
Something that is coming from the origin.
The origin of your expression is the origin of your being in this world.
Isn’t that magnificent?
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Your point of view matters.
And you will find an audience that is interested to look at things from your point of view.
It would be surprising if your work shines and achieves the audience it deserves.
Let it be a surprise, without trying to predict it.
There is a concept of Dvij in India. A person is born twice.
One is the physical birth, and one when is the spiritual birth.
Spirituality is not about what you accumulate in the womb, it is about what you deliver.
Significantly, it is called birth and not conception.
When you express your awareness expands.
Your expression becomes a vehicle to explore the world not merely to satisfy the five senses.
It delivers you into a spiritual world which encompasses everything that is known and unknown.
The occasion of expression is bigger than you and your art.
You are blessed beyond your fondest dream if you know the art of expressing and articulating.
Some counter on the analytics should not dictate the performance of this sacred act of expression.
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No one said, it going to be easy.
To shred the layers of conditioning.
To convince yourself to stick your neck out.
To open your wounds for everyone else to see.
It’s not easy.
But is the law of nature that the beginning is going to be slow.
A car can compete with another car on how many seconds it takes to reach the speed of 100 km/hr
But all cars start with a zero without exception.
All things in the nature and universe.
They start with zero and end at zero.
This world is born out of nothing and it will dissipate into nothing.
The origin is nothing. A vast emptiness.
You lose everything you have to find it.
And when you find it, there is nothing of you left to experience.
The experience becomes the experience.
This not only happens to you but also to your patron.
Your writing, painting and all the creation manifested using you as a medium becomes an occasion for the observer to disappear.
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Only the tip of an iceberg is seen, it doesn’t mean the rest of it does not exist.
A star does not wait for a binocular to spread its light.
It shows up.
Show up every day, shining bright.
And there will be gaze on you for mere serenity. Some will use your light to find the way in the ocean of uncertainty.
Be there. Always.
For yourself and others. For the seed that has been sowed will flower someday.
All you have to do is water it every day.
Creativity is not about taking yourself and life seriously, but about attaining the work of creation with utmost sincerity.
It’s not about what you do every day, but everything about how view yourself doing it.
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Be watchful.
And the view from above on your actions will make the process meditative.
You will be completely detached from the ongoing and outcome of your work.
Things happen, even if you don’t do anything.
Don’t you want to see what you would do when you give up on doing things?
There is a ray of light in the darkness within, a sound of silence that stirs your ocean of consciousness to create things.
The light that comes from the origin. The silence that is echoed into the silence of the origin.
Celebration of your creativity.
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