Not even thinking

Life is going great, do something. I am in dismay, do something.
Do something, Do something, Do Something.
How have we come to this phase in our culture, where we always want to do something about life?
Ambitions and Borrowed aspirations have taken over what we really are.
So much so that enjoyment and relaxation are also replaced with amusement.
An activity.
We are far away from the reality of our true nature.
What motivates us is what the world is busy doing.
We are busy wondering in the wilderness of unexpected outcomes with conviction.
How has the art of living turned into the craft of building one?
Why do we invest so much energy in shaping something formless? Abstract.
It’s a mystery how we came to a point to live unnatural life. Cosmetic.
But it is not a secret that we are bestowed the ability to think about what we are thinking.
And this superpower can solve many problems for us and propel us further into the evolution.
A superpower that eventually allows us to do nothing, not even think.
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An enquiry has to be made.
For a while do nothing at all, sit, and just be. Open to receive the deepest secrets of your being.
A drop of information will not satisfy the thirst, but an uninterrupted stream of consciousness will fill you with contentment. Wisdom.
The interruption has to be seized. So the consciousness flows uninterruptedly.
The doing has to be stopped, which constantly interferes with the flow of your being.
An effort has to be made to not make any effort.
To know what is in future, to analyse what has passed. To affirm to reject.
Do nothing.
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Living is not a science. It’s an art.
There is no absolute rendition of how life will unfold.
Thought speaks with a thousand faces and we are in the midst of the turmoil.
The more we fiddle with the thoughts, the more we steer the musk water of the mind.
The more clarity is lost.
The more we try to make sense of what is good and bad, right and wrong, the more with are sucked into the cyclone of the thoughts.
We think we are making a well-informed decision, but the reality is that the ground has changed before you step your foot on it.
Then what certainty and security are we running after?
What is absolute in life? Nothing accepts death.
If something is born it is bound to die and what happens in between birth and death is spontaneous.
The plans will fail, and the rules will be broken.
For a believer, life is a sin, for atheists, it is the confusion of believing in not believing.
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Neither this nor that.
You might have a grand plan on what your seeking would look like.
But it only exists in your thoughts and ego mind.
Life is a mystery and it always has a different story in its belly for you.
To know the story you have to live the story.
Not to read it in someone else’s book and live in the pretentiousness.
But be consumed by the self.
If the self consumes you, what is left of you?
Let the serpent of ego mind devour itself.
The train of thoughts leaves the station of your being, never to return.
∗ ∗ ∗
Be still.
Everything around you is constantly changing. The people, governments, environment the world.
You don’t have to chase everything that is moving.
Recognise the core of your being that is unchanging.
Your world might be turning upside down, but at the core, nothing is happening. Empty.
Be Aware. Be Watcher.
Know this life to be an illusion, like the cinema running on the screen is not real.
The reflection of the moon in the water is not the moon.
The moon is not soaked in water and water is not broken by the moon.
The life is untouched by your core and the core is unshaken by the life.
Do not waiver from this core.
All you will find is bliss.
∗ ∗ ∗
The bliss of knowing your true self.
The bliss that arises when the access of your accumulations is burned in the consciousness.
Bliss in the knowing that all that you know and don’t know has its source in the nothingness.
When the rainbow wheel is spinning, the only colour seen is white.
What is the colour of other colours?
An illusion of red, an illusion of green and an illusion of blue.
Nothing of it is true, not the hues nor the white.
If it is not a colour and every colour, in the true sense it is absent.
Because its very existence is negating itself.
What is the point in investing your energy in deciding, which colour it is?
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With this understanding, you won’t be able to tell what’s real and unreal.
What to believe and what not to believe.
Once you instil yourself into your core, you become the core and the need to label the things subsides on its own.
The mind will lose its purpose as thoughts would cease to exist.
For a while, there will be phantoms of the mind.
But gradually, you will not think from your head. For the first time in a lifetime, you will realise that your body thinks.
When the stagnant thoughts that are stored in the ego mind are exhausted, an energy births from the nothingness.
The dynamic expression of the divine.
∗ ∗ ∗
The dynamic expression of the liberated mind becomes a thought.
The thought transforms into an idea and the idea into an action.
The doing siezes as the doer disappears.
Only what happens is happening. Without you doing anything.
Things happen. Things that are aligned with your true nature.
An inspiration to create being honest to honour your true calling and not is sprung from the need to participate in the rat race.
You stop creating and become the creation.
You stop building castles in the sky and remain content in your adobe.
You stop wondering about the inspiration in the books and scriptures.
You are inspired by the spirit within, not to act, but to become the action.
∗ ∗ ∗
It is time for the world to see something new. Something that has never been seen and done before
Birth of a new man. Birth of a new creation.
If anything needs to be changed in this world, that would be acceptance towards change itself.
And when you find yourself, you don’t care what external factors and aspects of your life change.
It is inevitable, and it is constant.
What is in your hands is to stay in your core and be watchful of the change and the impermanent nature of things.
The drop of thoughts disappears, and the uninterrupted stream of consciousness starts to flow from your being.
It expands your consciousness beyond the physical realm of your body speech and mind.
Your mere being becomes a service to the world; motivated by the urge within.
Without you doing anything and letting things happen.
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