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The Path of Uncertainty: Embracing Your Unique Journey

Finding Freedom in Authentic Expression, Living Beyond Labels and Discovering the Adventure of Life.

The world is close to each other.

I am in your world right now and you are in my world. Our world.

And this is an occasion to connect.

To understand, to misunderstand, and to see if anything makes sense at all.

I hope it doesn’t, and we accept it.

Because making sense would mean that we have labelled ourselves.

Labelling means we should mind our conduct in alignment with what is expected of us.

Living life according to perceptions of the world. A facet.

We are part of the collective consciousness and yet a unique individual.

Our uniqueness plays a role in society, you are the missing puzzle.

How will you fit in, if you try to be like the other part that is missing and trying to be like some other part that is missing too?


The world is a mess. And it needs to be aware of it.

Be aware of the fact that your instincts lead your way towards the path that you want to take.

Walk no path that has already been taken before. Pave your own.

It’s for you and only you.

No one has been on the path ever before and you are the only one who will ever take it.


Embrace your aloneness, and I assure you that you will never feel lonely in life.

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It’s not an easy way of living life, because no one else has ever lived in the way you are doing it.

It seems unfamiliar, uncharted territory of your being.

There is no reference to context, no book that will act as a user manually for you to operate on this planet.

But looking at the greener side, every step you take will be in a new world and every time you open your eyes, will be to see this world for the first time.

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Pour out what you have to become empty.

The emptiness then, will be filled with the golden light.

A light that is a guide, the light that is nature.

You nuture. Wild. Spontaneous.

Don’t you think life would be an adventure if you acted on your wild instincts instead of relying on the narcissistic tendencies of the people who have a lot to say about what you should do and shouldn’t?

Complement yourself to be alive and full of life.

A life that is in nobody’s control, not even yours.

Life that uses your body as a medium to become an experience.

And you watch the drama. Being detached.

Not expecting anything and nor denying what is happening.

Looking at the moment-to-moment as it unfolds. Every moment is a surprise.


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The wilderness within is the service to others.

The fruits of thoughts that arise as the dynamic expression of your awareness are food for your consciousness.

The more it devours your thoughts, the more it expands.

So much so, that it floods the gates of your body and stretches its arms to the world, to the universe.

The distinction of mine and yours diminishes.

The separation of tangible and non-tangible is nowhere to be found.

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Give yourself and find everything that ever was and ever will be.

No one knows what’s going to be served on our plates the next. We can be certain about the unknown.

I have left all my endeavours to start writing these blogs.

It was a hinge, an intuition.

I don’t know if it is going to work, I don’t know if anybody is ever going to read them, I don’t know who my audience is and I don’t know if I am ever going to make it to earn enough to sustain in this commitment.

If it works, good; if it doesn’t life does not stop there.

It needs courage to accept that, no matter how much we plan the outcome is out of our control.

Many things are needed to be let go of.

The outer layer of conditioning that constantly haunts us to make hollow promises of certainty.

Once you overcome the fear of uncertainty, life becomes an adventure.

Adventure worth living for, an adventure worth telling stories about.

It feels right to pay the price for this adventure. As there is no price to be paid, only acceptance that it’s not in our hands.

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What matters is that I love the process.


I have tried many things in life, and have failed many times.

Have seen the riches of the palace and the poverty of the slum. Not only seen but lived it.

One thing I found constant is this urge to create.

And this is true for every person whom I have met.

People love to express themselves.

Might it be a criminal who was telling a story about what he did, might it be a saint I met in the forest and spiting wisdom; they all expressed.

And to express they need an audience.

This is the very reason I started publishing again instead of captivating my words in some dark corner of my phone.

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Expression that is exhibited changes many things.

Personally, Collectively and Socially.

We are a collection of thoughts intercepted together.

It is a miracle that a person can have a million thoughts a day and yet we can communicate with each other.

We understand the layers of each other’s personality.

We present what we know and what others should know.

We travel the world together to see how people live in their worlds.

We utter the words to let them know how we feel about what we see in their world.


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