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What wakes you up?

Not what keeps you awake

Open the door to abundance.

Life is comfortable. Humankind has made great efforts to make it so.

Communities are raised to promote inclusiveness.

It includes all sorts of minds.

People who agree with the status quo, people who question the conventional.

We are a collection of people who differ and yet stay together.

The systems were built to operate with the missing parts and with the weaklings.

We have traded the uncertainty for certainty in jobs, marriage and children.

Things that suppress our primal instincts to wander.

Arrangments that keep our ships anchored to the shallow beaches of settlements.

But these ships were not built for the harbours. They are made to be sailed in the deep ocean.

To take on the challenges of the storms and huge waves of uncertainty.

They are safe in the harbour, but their true purpose is tested in the ocean.

Your true purpose is found and tested when you undock from the seemingly beautiful harbour of mundane life.

When you sail towards the storm and face the huge wave of uncertainty.

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Life is found in doing things that wake you up every morning, not what keeps you awake.

Everybody longs for something.

When you are stuck in traffic, you are staring at the Excel sheets in the office. There is a missing sense of belonging.

Something inside knocks on the door, begging to let it out.

The expression suppresses and often explodes. Panic attacks and anxiety.

It is a sign that you are anxious to know what is missing.

What is the true meaning and purpose of being?

Were we born only to work, feed the family and die?

Or there is something more meaningful to this occurrence of existence?

Something beautiful that is yet to unravel, unfold and unveil.


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You won’t find the answer. Because to find the mysteries of your existence, you have to disappear.

It seems not natural to forget about the identities that you have been assuming all your life.

But in a true sense, that is your nature. Unidentified.

And this is scary. It feels alien.

But the fact is you have alienated your true self. So much so that the false identity has started to feel unnatural.

You were trained and conditioned to believe that you will have to be someone, somebody to be able to do well in society.

You might have become well-to-do in a material sense, but spiritually there is a sense of lack.

Lack of fulfilment in what you are doing. Lack of contentment in life.

Because your life is unattended, you are somewhere else.

Living in the idea of living, and hoping someday things will be alright.

The huge void you fill inside is not going to be filled with materialistic things.

The external stimuli are cosmetic.

And sooner or later it will feel like a burden, to keep up with it.

Like a rat in the lad, craving for the next dose of dopamine.

Once you understand the stupidity of this situation, you are no longer stupid.

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You contemplate the nature of your being.

You fall so deep that the only option that remains is to rise.

Think about what you are thinking; it is the greatest gift to mankind.


Bring the awareness to everything that you do.

Walk, Work, Do dishes everything.

This awareness will question the very nature of the things that you do.

It will introduce you to the impermanent nature of your thoughts.

What was the intention of sleepwalking through life?

What is the purpose of investing so much in ideas and thoughts that are not permanent?

The whole idea of having a goal in life is a hoax.

What matters is nothing matters.

All ideas are fantasies.

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This very understanding will bring you towards the unmoving centre of your being.

You might think then what? What happens when you become thoughtless?

What becomes of you when the mind is empty, without any thoughts?

You become everything.

The emptiness is filled with the spontaneity of the divine.

As your mind dissolves, your mind is liberated and the divine talks over.

You no longer do things, things happen on their own accord.

The only job you are left with is to see the reality unfolding in front of your eyes in real-time.

You lose yourself to find yourself.

You might change the line of work.

You will find pleasure in the little moments the life has to offer.

The walk in the garden and the touch of the flowers. Birds that sing the nature saga and the butterfly that flaps its wings to change the course of the events in the universe.

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You will lose. The idea of yourself that you had.

The burden of education and knowledge that you thought would save your life.

Everything that you thought was saving you was drowning you in your own belief.

The notion that made you struggle to barely keep your nose above the water.

And you thought that the struggle was the way of living life.

We were tamed to believe that. All hero stories and films and stories of struggle.

But life happens to those who retreat.

The greatest escape is to escape the trap of your ego mind.

Shine is not gold, it’s a reflection of the gold.

Illuminate. Become gold.

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Once you have found yourself, you will have found what you want to do.

There is nothing left to do.

Things happen.

An urge arises from within to express.

You manifest the things that are required in this world.

Your being becomes a service to others and you are nowhere to be found.

You become the bliss. The energy that permeates.

What else is required of you at this stage of human evolution?

Discover yourself and let your being shine as a guiding light to the world.

Shed the skin of old beliefs and emerged into a new dimension.

An unchanged, uncharted territory explored by few.

Few who inspire others to live a life of fulfilment and contentment.

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Change is the only thing permanent.

The moment that passes into the past is nowhere to be found.

The future is fantasy, unlived.

The present is negated by the future and becomes past from moment to moment.

What is left of the present anyways? Noting.


Don’t let the keeping the house card erect keep you awake at night.

Finally do something that makes spring out of bed everyday.

Change to the course of time, flow in your own stream of consciousness.

Let the unfathomable truth be revealed using you as the medium.

Let the truth be found by many others to make this earth a beautiful garden.

A garden that hosts unique flowers. Garden in which uniqueness flourishes.

Don’t open the door to abundance with insignificant things. Become the ocean of abundance.

What you need at the moment will be delivered to you.

What is expected of you will be delivered through you.

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