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Look in your eyes, Greatness

Statues look down on you, while you look up to them.

Next time you take a walk on the street, look at the boards, statues, and street names.

They look down upon you.

Screaming that we have done something extraordinary, you are yet to be there.

Some people accept it or don’t even care to think about it.

The idea of extraordinary is a far fetch.

There are few who question and introspect.

It might be because of the contribution those people have made to society, that they are celebrated in the middle of the square.

A display of the glory of their body of work.

Hopefully, it inspires the people passing by to contribute to the society.

But mostly to create a sense that no one has achieved what they have.


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What is greatness?

Is it an accumulation of knowledge? OR is it disrupting things into a new order? Merely replacing the old view with the new view.

The want to have a view remains.

Then is the greatness we have always thought about is greatness?

It is an expectation, accessible to few that was molded into a statue.

Is it found in idealism and in worshipping the idols?

One who seeks needs to raise this question.

Not to conclude really, but to understand.

Understanding that will have its course. Not channelised by external circumstances.

Streamed from the consciousness which flows from within.

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Children are raised in the confinement of units.

Unit of family and the unit of education system.

They are never allowed to unite with themself and others.

A unity that assimilates to nature and surroundings.

Unity of known and unknown makes us compassionate about others.

We are taught that greatness belongs to the people whom you read about in the books.

Everywhere else. Accept within.

Know Know Know more, what’s out there in the world.

But find the answer to deal with it within.

We have seem to missed the last part. To search for the greatness within.

We are trained to look in the eyes of adversities and accept it as a fate.

But no one told us about looking in our own eyes and finding greatness within.

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Great people are great because you share your greatness with them.

And what makes you great, is the open heart to appreciate others.

The statue in the square is useless if it looks down on you.

It old meaning when you look up to it.

Not to follow, not to imitate, but to understand that there are people who paved their own path to success.

An example is that it is okay to be different.

It is okay to question the strongest belief we hold to be true.

To discard that is not working for us, even if it has been proven right for millions of others.

Really greatness is the greatness that resides in every being.

What they see looking in their own eyes.

Not in the mirror that is shown by society to judge what is off.

Everything the mirror shows is bound to be inverse of what you are.

Look within, look in your eyes without the mirror and find.

You are great.

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You are great to have survived this life so far.

It may seem very easy on a superficial level.

But we were not meant to live in the way we live today.

This human body is not made to sit for 8 hours and stare at the computer.

Nor it was made to carry water to the farms.

We have anchored to the houses out of insecurity and call it home.

And we turn the world upside down, just to prove our ego to be right.

That is not the beginning and the end of your life.

Your life began even before you were born, and it will not end when you die.

We are only visiting this planet for a brief amount of time.

To cling to the idea of living in an idealistic manner is to build your home in a train wagon.

It keeps on changing the address, calling it a home would be naive.

Greatness belongs to each of those who don’t carry their homes on their shoulders.

To the brave souls who call it a home where they stand.

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It’s not easy I must confess.

Take any story of excellence and greatness. It is the story of struggle and hardship.

Guard yourself with your life.

Let no one tell you otherwise.

When no one knows you your words will be a mere chatter.

Find a bunch of lovers to spread your word, and they will become sermons.

That is how the human mind works.

No one will be on your side for a while.

For a while, they will think you have lost it. Then after a while, they will struggle not to lose you.

First, they will miss the point, but then they will come to the point.

On their own terms.

Just like you did; they will find what’s true to them. Their own greatness.

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Greatness does not lie in the ability to be able to do things the past successful people have done.

It lies in how well you do things aligned with your own nature. Self.

And once you have found your greatness, the need to seek it in others and the urge to live their life will subside.

You will find greatness in your own being.

What is ordinary to you will be extraordinary for others.

Natural, Effortless.

I often think that there should be a statue of my butcher in the square.

The way he finds the flesh and cuts the pieces; I can seldom dream of doing the way he does it.

But society has not invested in the beauty of small things.

It has ignored the excellence of the old woman who has garnered a beautiful garden on her terrace.

No one sees the maid when she paints an invisible painting on the floor when she swipes.

Because making an idol of unreasonably larger-than-life figures is easy.

It sets the bar high. So high that no one even tries to reach the height.

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You don’t have to go to war to become great.

You don’t have to write a saga of the battles to be great.

To be great is to be great at what you do.

To do little things throughout the day, like they are the most important things to be done in that moment.

Be aware of what you are doing as no one else is doing it the way you are doing it.

That is great.

You no longer interfere in the life of others, dead or alive.

And you find the space for yourself, which you can call it yours.

That is greatness.

And if everybody finds their own greatness, the conflict in the world will disengage.

As no one will want to have what others have; once they have found their greatness.

The world will be a better place.


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