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Simplicity is expensive

Spend everything you have

In the grand scheme of things, you are just a bit.

A particle in the vast universe, that is trying to know, explain and measure the immeasurable universe.

We invest a lot in knowledge. It is a natural inclination towards exploring the mysteries of life.

Humankind has put a lot of emphasis on – “The more you know the more you are valuable to society”

It must have been true for the cavemen.

Where to find water, and how to hunt the prey; this was all knowledge attributed to the life skills.

It became our primal instinct.

We think knowing would make us comfortable, We think knowing makes us smart.

But in reality, it has become our coping mechanism to stay away from the fear of the unknown and uncertainty.

It adds to the convolutions and complexities.

As we are known to gather knowledge, we are also hard-wired to make sense of it.

We live in an age of information overload. So much so, that our brain cannot process or handle the weight of it.

Moreover, we are in the footsteps of evolution where we don’t need to know but acknowledge that we don’t know and will never know everything.

We should stop looking for answers that lead to more questions and the cycle goes on and on.

In the intricacies of these complexities, Simplicity is the key.

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What we want is, to stop looking at the nature of our being with a scientific lens.

And start looking at your nature as it is, without any lens.

Science is cool. It has taken us to enchanted territories of our planet and beyond.

But what we see is a reflection of our being. Science is part of it. What science show is part of it.

There are many aspects of being that science has yet to answer.

What binds protons together?

A strong force of nature, nuclear force; which is non-tangible.

Call it love. For it binds the protons and the world.

Call it hate. For it is a threat to destruction left in the wrong hands.

Call it, and yet it doesn’t exist.

To be logical, rational and scientific is like looking at it with binoculars facing yourself.

Like taking a candle in hand and going out in search of the sun in broad daylight.

Everything that exists under the light of the sun can be called many things.

The one that has many names is not the truth. Truth is something that cannot be challenged.

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It can be daunting.

To not recognise the things around without referring to the ego mind.

To recognise them as they are, without any labels.

Illusions created by the mind.

Liberation has an uncanny attribution to it.

A man who has spent all his life in prison would feel lost in the world on the day he is released from bondage.

When you are released from the bondage of your own ego mind, it is natural to be in awe and dismay at the same time.


It’s okay to be lost. Being lost is not the end of the journey, it is part of it.

And you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand it.

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Give up on the quest to overcomplicate things.

The relationships, the work and the expressions of your being.

You don’t need to do anything. Life is already simple.

When you are lost, you don’t through the stones in the dark.

The only thing that is needed on your part is to step aside from your path.

Disappear completely.

Let this existence be a direct experience. Nothing hinders the core of your being and its affair with life.

It is alright to don’t know. As nobody knows what they are doing and why they are doing it.

We can pretend that we know, but we don’t as the outcome is not absolute.

When you are lost in the town of thought, would you rome endlessly?

Or would pause for a while, and think about the solution to your condition?

We often miss this step. To Pause.

All we do is act, act and act.

Be still.

Don’t go anywhere. Be present.

Being aware and alert you make yourself available. To receive the grace.

When the observer becomes the observation, the observer disappears.

The tiny bit that believed he had a quest to find all the answers, is nowhere to be found.

You are the universe, when you are not the particle.

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When the mind is liberated, you live a life like a madman who laughs at the full moon for no reason.

People would try to find a reason for your reason.

But they will completely miss the point. As there is no point.

You have lost the point when you have decided to lose everything you know.

Even yourself.

Simplicity simply means that the access is no longer there.

What is not needed is no longer there. Nothing is needed.

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But then you connect with the divine source.

Source that is a creative expression.

Source that urges you to create.

Source that oozes out from your being like milk from the mother’s breast.

You no longer see the things, the source sees them; as you look at the source and see the reflection of your world in it.


Everything will be familiar yet seen in the new light.

Like seeing the world for the first time, and recognising every corner of it with utmost clarity.

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Nothing will be changed, only you will not be the same anymore.

Like the lotus in the murky waters blossoms, so will your consciousness in the thoughts.

You will appreciate the beauty of simplicity. You will become the beauty.

You will attract many things and many things will manifest using you as a medium.

And yet you will be untouched.

Stronger than ever, fragile than ever.

Thoughts will fall as they rise like the fountain in the Garden of Eden.

Through you, god will take baby steps on the litterfall.

If there is any use of the intelligence we posses as humans, it is to simplify things.

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