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Writing in the age of Ai

We agree and disagree in a common language

I wake up every day and the first thing I do is write.

Many of my friends are writers and painters. Creative minds.

Ai is taking over many monotonous tasks.

But we can’t deny the fact that it can create on its own.

Paintings, Music and many creative things.

Although it thrives on input by humans, it has much more experience than we collectively have.

Then is there any point in writing these blogs every morning? Ai can do a better job than me.

What is the point?

When we clap our hands, a sound is made. This is not an invention, it is a discovery.

And we use this discovery to collectively convey a message. Cheer!

How on earth, we came to this conclusion together?

In the years we have walked this planet together, we have agreements and we might differ in our views towards life.

But we do it all in a language that we understand.

On the face of disparity, on the occasion of celebration, We communicate, verbally and non-verbally.

We understand each other. And we understand that we don’t understand.


We might recognise the landmarks, we might cross paths, and we have seen many common milestones; but where are we going with it?

Especially when the world is sitting in each other’s lap.

With the internet, like never before; cultures are landing in the courtyards of other cultures.

We are no longer bound by the physical boundaries of nations.

If I want to speak to you, I can, and I am.

But with it comes a grim reality human race is facing.

A sense of not having what everyone else is having.

East wants to be west and west wants to be east. Both want from each other what they don’t have.

And this want is the barrier to personal growth.

Something that could have grown into mutual growth, confluence and symbiosis, is channelled towards borrowed aspirations.

Aspiration that tears the maps.

You give me your misery and I will give you mine is what the world is shouting on the internet.

We want to solve problems, which is a good sign, but what is the biggest question we face?

Because we don’t know what the problem is. To know the problem, one needs clarity.

It has to be addressed individually while being part of a collective intelligence.

We individually believe a nation makes it a nation of collective. The same goes for the world.

If someday, we all stop believing in nations and currency world will be nothing but chaos.

I am sure you will agree that we don’t want to move towards the chaos, there is a better option to it; Sponteinity.

Sponteinity is a natural phenomenon, yet it is perceived as a danger.

Because it shows the uncertainty of life and we are fearful of the unknown.

What is bound to happen will happen anyway.

You decide to buy a blue dress and end up buying yellow. Then does the decision make any sense?

Yet we are so invested in the planning. Perseverance of doing things in a certain manner and certain order.

A strive for perfection.

It fails.

There is nothing perfect in the nature. And your nature is not perfect either.

It is spontaneous.

Perfection is an idea that is bought from people who lie about their lives to influence.

We fall prey to the shiny object syndrome.

A feeling that we are not enough.

I must stress that there is more to your life than you think. And there is more to the existence that we can ever comprehend and understand.

But the answer is not having more. The answer is finding more what we are.

The more you find the depths of your existence. The more you become aligned with your nature.


Then you no longer want a thing because someone else has it, you want it because it is an extension of what you are.

Then you no longer write or paint compared to the masters of the past. Your creativity springs from the dynamic expression of your mind.

You see what is missing in the world, and put the missing puzzle in the place.

You are the missing puzzle, you are to be found.

It comes with a price.

You will have to burn the books you have learned and shun the tongue of the old.

For a while you will shoot in the dark, for are while you will lose yourself.

This sacrifice has to be made, to find the excellence of your being.

People will not understand what you are saying, as even you won’t understand what’s going on for a while.

You will see something never seen before and You will be something never seen before. You will be new to yourself.


But then you will find new grammar in your language.

You will find patterns in the spontaneity. Like a trail, the bird in the flight lives no trails. But you remember, it flipped, it swayed and it dived.

You don’t draw it, and yet you create.

Hence, without drawing from the reservoir of the said and unsaid your being will be direct experience.

Express as it comes. Without any constraints to the past and no reference to the future either.

Nothing to affirm, Nothing to reject.

You will use the same symbols everyone else is using, but arrange them in a way that has never been seen before.

All painters paint the same sunrise but in their unique way.

Words are the same, the message is yours.

Message and the words both belong to you and everyone.

You are what you are, yet a part of collective consciousness.

What you create, is a gift to be shared.

You write because there is an urge to write. The urge is a symptom that what is expressed is asked by someone.

You receive, you create and you share.

You remain empty, to be filled with something new. Something new to be shared.


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