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Vincent van Gogh was good at selling paintings.

Posted on: 2021-04-22

Categories - Art

Vincent van Gogh was good at selling paintings.


Paintings by Vincent van Gogh make headlines at the auction houses. 


Disparities in the life of Vincent van Gogh always projected an impression, that he never sold any paintings. But that is not the fact. 


Before embracing the endeavour of being an artist Vincent van Gogh was a successful art dealer and sold many pieces of Art throughout his career. 


In Fact he was so good at selling art that he also was given a promotion. His last job as an art dealer was with Goupil Stockwell.


Not to mention that his father and three uncles were also Art dealers.


Although he could sell a few of his own work including sketches, he often exchanged them with the art supplier Pere Tanguay. 


He in a way bought the paintings by Vincent van Gogh and gave art supplies in return.