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The Significance of Public Art in Urban Spaces

Posted on: 2021-04-22

Categories - Culture

Public art can be of many forms. Murals, installations, statues or even performances. But what they all have in common is that they're designed to be experienced in public spaces, and to enrich our lives in some way.

We go to work. Do our work. Commute back to home. Do our work. Sleep. Repeat. Does life really have any other purpose than that? It’s questionable in the lives of many people I see, especially friends who have obligations like family, rent, Loans etc to fulfil on a monthly basis. This is the human condition that has rapidly become normal. Hence the question remains, what is the purpose of all of this. What is the purpose of life? 

Yet we also question the purpose of one more thing. We have always questioned the purpose of Art. Just like other works we do in our life, we also indulge in Art. Without knowing or being aware of the purpose of this connection. I am making an attempt with this post to elaborate on how Art is public in nature and what significance it holds in our life.

Now imagine walking on a street towards your workplace from the train station and you encounter a purple cow (Term borrowed from Seth Godin). Yes, a purple cow. Wouldn’t that day be different from the rest of the days in your life? It would not only offer a moment of AWW for us but it would also allow a connection with the world around us. The purple cow is significant only because we feel the world around it is not. It in a subtle way brings out the awareness of the world we live in. Makes us stop and look at it.

This is the beauty of Public art. It makes a place memorable, it makes a space remarkable. It not only entertains but also provides an identity to the place. If a landmark is language then public are is the grammar of than language,

Having said that, Public art has the power to foster a sense of community. When a public art is installed or presented in the public spaces it offers a shared experience with fellow citizens. An opportunity to take part in something. To express thoughts about it and to communicate. Our civilization was built on shared thoughts. It is what makes us a social animal.

Public art is also an efficient tool to tell stories. Stories of community and its celebrated hero, or story about change in power. Stories about the identity of a town that is shaped by history. Stories that help educate the Young generation about the leaders and thinkers that paved the path to society we live in.

Said so, The most significant purpose of an Urban art is the Joy it brings to people. Looking at a colourful whimsical piece of art installed right in the middle of a square can put a smile on the face of the person experiencing it. It can lift the spirit and inspire us to do something new or try doing things differently. It can also promote a sense of belonging in a person. A contentment that the person is part of something he likes; and the Public art is standing in front of her as testimony of it.

Hence, take your time next time, before rushing toward and back from your workplace. Look at the art installed in the garden seen from the pavement. Take a movement to appreciate the beauty and creativity. Public art is more than mere decoration - it's an essential part of our urban landscape, and a vital source of joy and inspiration for us all.