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The Changing Landscape of Contemporary Art: Understanding the Impact of Technology and Globalisation

Posted on: 2021-04-22

Categories - Culture

Our Civilisation has gone through many phases. I like to call them trends, only with somewhat serious impact and consequences on society. It all started with agriculture and made its way up to Industrialisation and now we live in the trend of Globalisation. First we landed in each other's lands for the conflict, then we landed in each other's countries and now more than ever we are landing in personal and private spaces of each other. Charlie is no longer the person watching from the corner of his eyes. Charlie is not a corporation and alliances of governments. Charlie has grown up. And with it human capacity to express the complexity we live in. An expression that is enabled by technology and charged with debates advocating on a global scale. Humans once drew pictures of hunting scenes on the cave walls and have become so advanced that he expresses with is inexpressible and often concludes on that is unconventional. Especially the kind of human that is called an Artist.

As such, Technology has opened a new avenue for artists in not only the way artists are created with digital medium, But also with the way Art is distributed and ownership is proved with the help of blockchain. Like any other age like Renaissance, Modernism or Surrealism this also feels like a golden age for Art. Every age is a golden age for art because at the core of any artistic expression lies the facts that things need to be said differently and prominently. Hence Art keeps on finding new mediums to express and ways to shock the world, without any reservation about anything new. Artists are early adopters of every new technology.

Moreover, Along with the rise of globalisation that is transforming the way art is made and distributed there is a pitfall of homogenisation of art. Cities today look alike rapidly growing vertically. Content online has started to look alike because most of the creators out there are competing to please the algorithm. Technology is affecting the way we make our choices. More so ever it is not interacting with the areas considered to be related to self expression. Today AI can make Art and Chat GPT can write a poem. Eventually, the more we come in contact with each other, technology being the medium and enabler the more questions of uniqueness arise. Art might lose its lustre if a painting by a Mexican artist starts resembling the painting of an artist from China.

To address this issue we might look into the culture and cultural values. Sadly, most of the major cultures in the world are homogenised. Due to the past of invasions and colonisation. Then what would be a remedy for homogenisation of Art. Luckily Art itself has an answer within. Every piece of art is unique to the artist. Basquiat remained Basquiat when he replicated Picasso in his painting. T.A.T.U a Russian band remained T.A.T.U when they covered the song “How soon is now” by Smiths. That is the beauty of Art. It is an individualist expression that is unique to every artist.

To wrap up, Art is fearless and embraces everything that emerges as new. Might it be a trend, might it be a technology. And in midst of the give and take and generalisation that happens in the world, Art stands as a remedy to offer unique voice and empathy. Art is what makes us Human.