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Art lives its own life. Janny Baek’s ceramics stand as a testimony to the statement. 

Posted on: 2021-04-22

Categories - Art

Art lives its own life. Janny Baek’s ceramics stand as a testimony to the statement. 

Janny Baek - Ceramic Process

I came across Janny’s work while scrolling my instagram feed. My first reflex was to save the post. I visited and revisited it several times. 

Puzzled, about what is it doing to me that I am not able to conceive yet. I let it sink for a while. For months. And this strikes me today.

Janny’s ceramics represent a world of their own and live on their own. I might sound absurd at this movement, bare with me if you will. 

I go through a lot of art and arts on a daily basis. Very few captivate the way Jenny’s Ceramics did. 

It reminded me of my favourite saying in Korea, “Onngi pots are not made they are born”. A Mother of two, and Korea being her motherland Janny reconciles the saying in her work.

Her sculptures complete something that is incomplete within us. The nature of Man in a Woman and visa versa. This urge to be complete draws in towards Janny’s work to connect.

World of Janny’s art borrows language from the unknown and has an urban grammar. So delicately exposing the brutality of living and finding beauty in its wounds. Like poetry has born out of suffering. Suffering from happiness and sadness.

Bit by bit, piece by piece intrigued by the waves; Janny constructs the existence of these beautiful pieces. 

Janny Baek - Ceramic Artist

If you are interested in her work feel free to check out her website here.

Images sourced from Artist’s website and instagram.