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Acknowledging your Uniqueness

Posted on: 2021-04-22

Categories - Daily

Human mind is amazing.

We can have 12000 to 60000 thoughts in a day. 

Moreover we can think about what we are thinking. 

This differentiates us from the animals.

As such, humans are also an animal that has studied thoughts.

Phycological studies in the west determine that 95% of our thoughts consist of some sort of pessimism.  

In the east there are concepts of no Mind and Thoughtless states in Zen and Mahayana Buddhism.

What can we do with this information?

Once you are aware of the fact that we are investing energy in unnecessary thoughts, you investigate.

This investigation leads to the exploration of the self nature. To become self aware. 

This seed of self awareness sprouts into the self expression.

You start expressing from the source of your own true nature.

You acknowledge your uniqueness.